Addicts All

The avian chatterati were heralding a new day outside my window, the aggressive ones trying to out chatter the meeker ones.Ah,it is a new morn,chirped my heart,and a stealthy hand crept towards the laptop lying on the bed between the two of us...slowly, .. sh..let sleeping giants lie..I said to myself through half-closed eyes.As my hand snaked towards the laptop ,it bumped into another hand!This was no invisible hand but a real visible,aggressive hand,heading not towards my hand to clasp it in a warm good morning greeting,but towards the laptop with a single minded concentration.'No bed tea?'he asks,half an eye cocked in my direction as he picks up the laptop and cradles it in his lap like a child who has just been rescued from the kidnappers after being paid a heavy ransom!As I glare at him,he raises the other half of the eye and repeats the question',no tea'?There is a blissful expression on his face,his ears listening to some inner choir,the chirping birds hold no appeal for him.with deft strokes on the key board,he is entering a new world,where faceless people greet him warmly,disembodied voices whisper to him.I get down from my side of the bed,not to do my FB addict hubby's bidding,but to enter my own world!With a surefootedness ,I head towards the other room,where the PC sits tantalizingly amidst a clutter of books!Lest I wake my daughter who sleeps holding on tightly to the cell phone,I am extra cautious'.As I sit on the chair smiling in triumph,and waiting for the virtuality to become a reality,a REAL Voice falls into my ears''grow up mom,there is a world beyond facebook''!What was it about the meek inheriting the world!My world appeared a blur in the distance as I headed towards the kitchen,meekly..guiltily...dutifully...The aggressive birds had again taken over outside.


  1. these lines somewhat show people's eagerness or craziness about these social networking websites. people are happy with those whom they dont know well as it is a good method of hiding oneself from world of reality.but we should try to come out from this fake world.

  2. Nice to see you here ma'am..!!

  3. Ma'am,
    This would be a fun at certain level. But addiction at this level. I don't think so. It is good. all and all an entertaining one.

  4. thanks for your comments Ritika and Ashok.


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