"Come on feed the birds , feed the birds."
The people bought some grain, heeding her words.
And started feeding the birds.
This Indian version of Mary Poppins
Smiled at the kids carrying satchels and tiffins
Selling her grain from broken and bruised tins.
Hunched under the ramshackle tin-shed of a bus stop
Trying to hide from the hawk eyes of a cop.
Ah, this was her home, sweet home
Where she lived with her grandson
With whose tangled hair played his mate the happy sun.
Now and then towards a pole she glanced
Where her grandson danced tethered.
His cracked feet splattered in mud.
To a tree next to him stood a buffalo
Indifferently chewing the cud.
Raising half an eye towards this maladroit dancer
Whose feet were smeared in mud.
Round and round the pole the boy turned
With some hidden fervour his eyes burned.
The rope which tied him to the pole
His loyal friend , his only hope.
A bird hopped up to him
Tweeting a cheery greeting
He turned an innocent face towards the bird
And smiled a smile which reached from ear to ear.
Ah the music of this lilting smile I could clearly hear.
It throbbed with the beats of steel drums,clarinet,
The flute , guitar and the trumpet.
The music played on and on
It was the food of love
And yes, the food for the dove
Was provided by the woman old
Whose grandson's head was now drenched in gold.
"Come on , feed the birds, feed the birds."
She hollered to the bearded man with the cattle herds
"He suffers from epilepsy and mental disorder."
Smugly said a gawker buying bird fodder
With half crazed eyes
And gloating sighs
Discussing financial matters mainly
And laughing insanely.
The joker self styled
Smiled and smiled
Ignorant of the cackles he had evoked
And the crazy folks who viciously poked
And jeered
The joker weird .
Round the pole he turned, while people bought bird fodder
With every passing moment, his smile becoming broader.
Ah , there was a glow on his sunken face
He had found a happy space
In some snug corner of his frame which was , ah so fragile.
Hence the smile
The never ending smile.
Have no fear , the monster's gone
He is on the run and your daddy's here
No doting father sang darlin' son to him
But he still did not look grim
And smiled and smiled .
And mesmerized
Was I by the unending smile on the face
Of this joker self styled .
The sun too smiled
And smiled and smiled.
Feeding the birds is VIP as sparrows, maynahs and crows are disappearing so this story adds a smile to the wry of life and the child's discoveries and simple people adding meaning of values for Mankind Santosh