Review of Ruminations


Book: Confluence [Vol. 4] Ruminations -An anthology of Collaborative poems inspired by Rumi’s select Verses
Publisher: AuthorsPRESS
Editor: Anju Kishore
PP 150
Year: 2020

I have always found the verses of the mystic poet Rumi, exhilarating, sublime, edifying, and surreal. This spiritual genius makes us see things with unflinching clarity, teaching us how to live life and tackle its vicissitudes with equilibrium. He reveals the innermost truth with an electrifying eloquence, leaving us with lingering epiphanies and rapturous wonder. When an eclectic group of more than forty poets, hailing from different socio-economic backgrounds come together for a unique collaborative venture on this mystical poet, Ruminations, a masterpiece is born. When these poets speak in one voice glorifying love, freedom, and enlightenment, one finds the masterpiece pulsating with a heartwarming lyrical cadence.

As the editor, Anju Kishore, says in her extremely well- penned foreword, dedicated to the unassuming founder of Indian Poetry Circle, Jairam Sheshadri:
“In this collection, poetry unites more than 40 poets, a verse each from each, for each poem. ……The muse verse for each of the fourteen poets in this book was selected by one of our poets, Kumar Sultana Sheik from the timeless treasures penned by Jalal al-Din Rumi.”

 I must doff my hat to the team of India Poetry Circle and its founder Jairam Sheshadri, for the conceptualization and production of this remarkable book of collaborative writing. The ideas flow forth in an effortless cascade, as this  eclectic mix of poets expand and explore its myriad shades, individual thought processes merging to form a seamless whole.

She further says,

“We invite you to walk with us through the seemingly limitless expanse of the desert, seeking love, confounded by mirages and aching with thirst. Celebrate with us the liberating downpour of consciousness after endless storms, climb mountains with us, seeking that that promises everlasting peace, but seems to be just out of reach. Revel in the soft crashing of the sea way below, where you began your trek. Its whispers would draw your attention inward.”

Yes, let me confess, that I walked with the poets through seemingly unending deserts, was confounded by mirages, ached with thirst, and reveled in the crashing of the sea. By the time I finished the book, I found myself thoughtfully meandering towards self-actualization and the perennial frown that had become an integral part of my countenance after these despairing months of incarceration, guiltily scurrying away.  Diving, exploring, soaring, ascending, descending, I managed to ‘fine-tune myself to my inward chime’.
Well, almost.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever, and I must say that this smooth- flowing coherent narrative, where ‘each poet’s motif is seamlessly woven into a tapestry of spiritually uplifting poetry, each poem a tribute to the soul of Rumi’, is indeed a joy forever. It is a book which you want by your nightstand, so that you can dip into it, whenever faced with doubts or apprehensions.  
In another interesting innovation, the bios of the poets have been written in verse, some are also tinged with humour, leaving the reader with never-ending smiles.  

 It goes without saying that this book left me spiritually enriched. Kudos to all the poets who figure in this pathbreaking anthology- a book that should definitely be a part of every school\ college \ university library.



  1. Thank you dear Santoshji for such an elevating and indepth review. Coming from a writer of your stature means a lot. Participating in such an exercise itself was enriching. Really glad that you enjoyed the poems. Anju has given a magical touch to it. Thanks to Jairam, Sultana and all the forty poets contributed to it.

  2. Thank you for such a detailed review! To be a part of this confluence was indeed uplifting. 'Tuning to my inward chime', indeed a spiritual journey ��

  3. Thank you so much for this heartwarming review Santosh Di ❤ Your appreciation means a lot to us.Very glad that the book made a deep impression on you.

  4. Thank you for taking time off to review this collaborative effort in such glowing terms Santosh. Wish you too had been part of the foray into the Rumi mystique but that’s not to say there won’t be more enlightening and more intensely interesting themes for the Confluence collaboration in the future. And I am absolutely sure that with your involvement the Confluences of the future will turn out more grab-worthy because of your additional touch. 🙏🙏🙏🌺

    1. Thanks a ton for your kind words Jairam Seshadri🙏

  5. Santosh di, thank you for "Ruminating" with us as we walked "through seemingly unending deserts, was confounded by mirages, ached with thirst, and reveled in the crashing of the sea". And I am glad "Ruminations" helped bring the smile back to your ever cheerful countenance.

  6. Wow! That is a sparkling tribute to the people who seem to be creating magic again and again, quite effortlessly.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Your words have added value to this invaluable work. Dr Santosh Bakaya.

  9. Thank you Dr.Saanthosh Bakya!
    Reading your review was in itsel an experience so rare to be met with. How well you have encapsulated the core worth of Ruminations that can stand the test of time the rare pearl ensconced in the vast ocean reefs of the surging sea of books..

  10. Dr. Molly Joseph.
    Sorry forgot to mention my name along with the previous comment..


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