Review of Red is the Sunrise,[ Linda Imbler ]

What a beautiful book ‘Red is the Sunrise’ is!  The soft cadences of Linda Imbler’s poetry cascades over the reader in soft and sublime hues, leaving behind a lingering fragrance of warmth and contentment.  
 Linda believes that poetry truly ‘adds to the beauty of the world ‘and let me reiterate, that her poems have indeed added to the universal beauty and enriched me beyond words.
I can go on and on regarding the elegance of her verses, but let me mention just a few poems, leaving the reader to the reading and interpretation of the entire book. There is one word to describe it, “Delectable!”The book is a sensory and visual delight, with its inner rhythm and rhyme, so soothing , so  ethereal.  While reading her delightful poem, Mama Evans, I became a part of the ‘fortnight of bliss’ that Linda and her brother, had experienced in the house of Mama Evans, and the aroma of her pantry refused to leave me.
 ‘Ma’am in the Moon, ‘My mother’s old Hat’ are just some of the poems I really loved.  In the  deliciously succulent poem , ‘Apples’ , the way she  uses words to describe how apples are transformed into the ‘finest culinary creations’[ apple tarts and apple pies ] I almost found myself transported to the apple orchards of my homeland Kashmir  and indulging in these gastronomical excesses with a lip- smacking pleasure .  
She talks of the different seasons, of beautiful hues of nature, interspersed with references to a medley of Greek gods. This is a book, one would want to read again and again. Yes, the cover is very beautiful, wanting one to delve and dive inside immediately . I purchased the kindle version, but hope to get the hard copy  soon.
Thanks Linda, for writing this beautiful book. Looking forward to reading all your books .


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