With a woebegone expression the chicken looked up at  him
 As if it were his greatest follower and fan,but a fan who looked so grim.
.The beseeching eyes struck at his heart strings.
 Yes it could move the heart of the cruellest of kings.

.Before he could do something, the shrew at the chicken pounced
.But with mind boggling gumption out of her hands the chicken bounced.
 In helter skelter fear, it ran towards the shrub,
 and to quench the pangs of hunger started foraging for grub.

The woman in white pulled out a mirror from her purse
And with the exotic looking mirror she started to converse
."What contemptible vanity, what narcissism", the lost one muttered
While the hatted one with furrowed brows, a piece of toast buttered.

.His soul absolutely exhilarated with the delicacies he had gorged.
 Smacking his lips, now towards the woman in white the hatted one  forged.
"  I salute you, fair lady,will you take my hand, what  say?"
Her vain laughter over him swept like a dash of glittering spray.

.like some grisly spectre of the night, towards them hobbled a weird looking figure.
 He was skeletal, and the clothes on his frail figure were meagre
".I am a corollary damage of the war-the mincing machine
Indeed this mincing machine is so malevolent and mean."

Mumbled this weird figure of the night, ah pathetic his plight
," I am looking for my ten year old son, he was so bright
Has anyone of you seen him in this jungle wild
 No , a missing  person's report , I have not as yet filed."

.With a heart brimming with absolute pity
The lost one stared at this gnawed remnant of humanity.
Before he could say something , he limped away, into the dark, oh hark!
There was a sudden flash of lightning, and he stared horror struck at   something written on a tree bark.


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