Awestruck, I heard the raucous bellicosity of the clouds
bent on drowning all the tiny sounds
Of a timid dawn,
 while the fragile  sparrow in the neighbour's patch of lawn
  its chirps hastily swallowed
a docile sun its action followed,
 wrapped up its bolts, rays and beams
 and slipped into the land of dreams.
 It could sleep some more, dream some more.
Anyway , where was the  joy in looking down on the land of gore?

 One tiny flower on a stem long
 Appeared to be bursting with the notes of an unsung  song.
It swayed like a cobra to the notes of a snake charmer's flute.
Perked by the spunk of the tiny flower ,the birds were no longer mute.
 Undeterred by the brewing storm ,they flew out of their nests
Turned up their noses at the belligerent clouds ,  puffed out their chests
and lustily  applauded the confidence of the swaying flower.
The tiny flower continued  dancing  away merrily to its own tune- a lone star.
But soon the shimmering  sunbird and the starling chestnut cheeked
The blue whistling Thrush and the parrot red beaked

Came out of hiding , so did the wrens , mynas, orioles and a kingfisher lone
To create a sweet symphony all their  own
Now  the flower had a following huge
 what started as a trickle was soon a deluge.
Melding  chirp with chirp and tweet with tweet
 Unitedly, they composed a melody sweet
A tiny squirrel stood on its  hind legs and watched  round eyed
As the birds cheered on the tiny plant, which unfazed by the storm, stood its ground.
A brave story of resilience by the puny plant  was scripted
 and in  a spurt of generosity to the harassed world gifted.


  1. The chirping of the Birds form a crescendo before the rains sometimes animals like the small squirells and frogs also match in creating an awareness that the rains are coming. Bedore the actual downpour the forrst and woods are all silent as if saying WATCH OUT HERE SHE COMES - the spell is frieghtening until you see the ants and insects re-arranging their households so close to the ground, Beware of the Rainy hound. Thanks Santosh

  2. Talking of your fan-base, Santosh----" what started as a trickle was soon a deluge". Marvellous!

  3. I love the way you capture nature's myriad personalities and quirks and give each and every blade of grass a part to play in life's drama.


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