The terrified threesome  exchanged meaningful looks
They heard a scuffle behind them, and were on tenterhooks.
A breeze sprang up and the branches creaked and whipped
The  insects sang, with an intense fear the trio was gripped. 

The trees sloughed vigorously, urging  the drummer forward
With faltering steps he surged ahead  no , he was no coward 
This way and that he looked and  toward the door headed
The hedge   rustled , in his mind many thoughts embedded.

He heard the neighing of horses, and  abruptly  stopped.
Stifled  a scream ,  when  a fat frog frantically hopped .
Was the knitter giving them a chase with her sidekicks?
Their  hearts  throbbed with  feelings  of a weird mix .

From behind the clouds peeped a wary and pale moon
They heard a loud shout, "Ducky, I will be there, soon."
"What notions, I know it is the knitter calling me ducky.
The old hag can never catch me, no she is not that lucky."

The poet retorted ,with anger going absolutely berserk.
Unaware of the demon which in the bushes did   lurk. 
Two bloodshot eyes watched them with a fixed gaze.
There was no way they could escape from this maze .

Their  eyes fell on a man  sitting on a mildewed seat 
Who was hunched and wearing a coat  which was neat.
He cupped   his hands and raucously  into them  blew  
Who  this eerie figure was, they had absolutely no clue.

He got up with a jerk and towards them walked
Spasmodically he moved ,  the threesome gawked .
It was as though a corpse was rising from the grave
In the wan moon light, they felt anything but  brave.

There was another bench on which sat another figure
In his hand he had  a book and looked stouter and  bigger. 
How to develop Telekinesis , was the book he was reading.
Was it the spooky air which such zombies was breeding?

The flesh of his massive  face hung in dewlaps and wattles
His body perhaps ,bloated with the content of liquor bottles.
He had a pathetic look,  like waxwork left out in the sun
From this weird place  , how the threesome yearned  to  run.

He got up and  waddled toward them gasping and wheezing
Walked a few unsteady steps , his body wracked by sneezing.
The jungle guitarist  started thrumming with a frantic air.
The horses stamped ,  neighed louder  ,giving them a  scare.


The trees looked like lost spirits craving  to be resuscitated
They groaned and moaned , like kids thrashed and berated. 
At  the cabin window , they sensed some sudden movement
Someone drew the curtains, they watched on in amazement. 


  1. The mystery continues.... great job pulling so many colorful characters into the mix and moving the action forward, almost of its own accord. I love the book on telekinisis. Great detail! And the guitar, and the trees thrashing, and the person the watching behind the curtain... I think the ordinariness of the curtain thrown in among all of the other unexpected pieces really makes it even more interesting! Well done!

  2. It seems like every verse has new inventiveness, with the unusual and unexpected featured to the benefit of the whole, and to the delight of this reader. Thanks, Santosh.


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