The tiny boy in patch work knickers
Stands next to his shabby  shack where a small lamp flickers
Scared and diffident
Quivering under  the assault of the    sounds vociferant.
A sudden gust of wind
Blows out the tiny lamp 
While  the Indian skies  cackle and smile
With  Chinese sparkle  and guile.

 His mother puffs into the bellows
Ignoring the drunken fellows 
Who lean against her patchwork shack
 Where her son in patchwork knickers stands forlorn.

The measly sparkler in his tiny hand
Seems to have heard the child's moan
 Valiantly it tries to hold its own
Against the crackers in China made
His smile which was about to fade
Suddenly is full blown.

 As the  Lilliputian sparkler
 In a sudden burst of effervescence
Is bloated  with Brobdingnagian  confidence.
Lighting his patched face, lighting his sad  heart  
His tiny face now  a moonbeam bright .
The fatherless  boy in patch work knickers 
Happily turns in for the night
His mother's sunken cheeks bloated  by her energetic blows 
Into the bellows 
Leered on by the drunken fellows.


  1. ThanQ for the impasse of the child with no crackers on Diwali Night - a torture so everything happens and does not matter WOW Santosh

  2. "Be thankful for small mercies" is the motto here. Such gratitude for life's inconsequentialities is a hallmark of Santosh's precious gifts to us. Thanks, Santosh.


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