Eyes fixed on a tree
 Which like a stylishly anorexic model swayed
Joyous and free 
"Let us dance let us dance," she chimed  like a child.
 The tree inspired dancer
Twirled and dipped
The breeze flirted with her lovely face
Putting a grimace on the lover's face
Seductively she danced
Like a Flamenco dancer,
A spectacular combination superbly executed 
Erotically swayed the skeletal tree
Ah so spontaneous and free.
Its leaves clapped and clapped 
While under a shady tree a lazy shepherd napped and napped
She stamped her right foot and clapped and clapped
 And clapped
Her laughter cascaded over him in staccato bursts Of untrammeled glee
Ah, so innocent and free.

 Now and then at her lover she glanced
 Coquettishly swaying her Scarlett O'hara waist.
 But alas what a waste!
There was some rustling  
in the trees 
Ah, it was only  the breeze.

It was as though some evil magician had cursed.
The waves waited to  wipe out the sand castles
 At one sign of  the rabid hater. 
The love terminator.

Many months later
Silently on a sad looking boulder  sat the boy.
There was no twirling and dipping dancer around
Even the anorexic tree stood unswaying.
Love is  to be loved 
Why then was their love  hated?
 And no birds sang.

But no, on the boundary wall
Sat an intrepid  bird small
Trying to serenade him with a song.
 But he could hear
 Only an elegy
 On the death of love
And see the dove 
As it looked on helplessly
Sad and forlorn.
A tear fell from his eye
 And was gone. 
And no girl clapped.

Ah, what was that?
A mirage? A hallucination?
With a wistful  look she beckoned to him
Her expression lost and grim
 "Come let us dance," her pallid  lips said 
"Ah, let us dance."

He gave her a startled glance
Her eyes were sad and drenched with tears
In his heart a turbulence fierce
In a somnambulistic trance
He started a maladroit dance 
 Every step toward the river they moved
 Sadly they grooved
"Come, come let us dance"
Said the hazy figure.
She twirled and dipped.
Further and further towards the river they moved. 
Sadly they grooved.
No, this time not a  spectacular combination , superbly executed.
 Sounds were muted
As though pricking their ears 
And listening to the lovers  hearts. 

"Come , come, let us dance."
The hazy figure was a silhouette now.
 The boy followed her in a trance
"Come let us dance" she chimed 
The trees mimed.
And the waves waited.
Were the elements preparing for some solemn rite?
There was a ghostly roll of drums. 
A sudden fog.
The boy was no swimmer, but into the river he stepped
 Flailing his arms , wildly gesticulating
Listening to the soothing cadences of the waves
Which stretched out their welcoming arms
Tantalizingly holding forth their charms.

Under a tree frantically a painter
Dipped the tip
Of his brush in  colurs
 and  painted
The wild flowers running riot,
 the clouds scurrying around,
Two tiny tots with paper-boats
And the lone boy 
Who had  danced and danced.
Insanely. Hysterically, Like one possessed.

Somewhere in the distance someone soulfully sang away
 You may say
 I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us and the world will live as one 

With satiated  glee the waves danced and danced.
But no one clapped.
And no bird sang.


  1. This is beautifully poignant, Santosh, on this, John's birthday. Thank you.

  2. A 17 inch waist of Scarlet O'Hara starts you wondering - how will they match the gap of years since the last dance bordering on the fatal plunge into the river - insping Santosh


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