I have seen the glint of light on a piece of broken glass
 Dazzling me with its brilliance.
Heard the notes of love in an eerie silence
Felt the warmth of a virtual smiley, and also of a real smile
Which has gone on and on for an unending mile
 In a toddler’s cheeky chortle and toothless grin
 In the serendipitous gleam in the rag picker’s eyes
 Who bends over the dustbin
And vociferant sighs
 Which speak through eloquent eyes
 And a scintillating sunrise piercing a dense fog
And the excited whelping of a street dog
I have heard love talking to me
Filling me with untrammelled glee.

 In mother’s reprimands
In a father’s jibes
 In a brother’s diatribes
 In the incoherent lisping of a wordless infant
In articulate mumbling of an intellectual bright.
 Overwhelmed, I close my eyes and see.

The resplendent reality
 Of a   warm tactility
 In heart tugs
 And bear hugs
Diffident smiles hovering on strangers’ lips
 And the loving hand that bends to pick up the old man who trips.
And yes, in Vincent van Gogh’s enclosed field with rising sun
Which erases the sinister looking gun
 And evening landscape with rising moon.
Which camouflages the sighs of a mournful loon.

 I have seen the brush strokes of a sublime love
And heard the unheard yoddling of a little dove.
Bright splashes of love paints have colored
 My world
 And love-laced possibilities unfurled
 I luxuriate in the warmth of this love
 Which, at times, is bashfully curled
 But yearning to be unfurled
 By a mere touch
Very slight, not much.


  1. Lv cant be defined more beautifully......such a delight

  2. This is your most valid CV.

  3. With all my wisdom I did not see,
    The gleam in child eyes with glee,
    Till your lines woke me from my bliss,
    The world became a reality with a bless.

  4. Oh, that is so beautiful! I especially love how it works into the end and the beats of the last very sentences make such a nice punctuation for the emotions that are building through the piece. I could imagine a delicate ribbon unfolding as I read this, and see it moving down through to the conclusion...


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