Before he could click a selfie, a chill went up his spine
The cellphone shook in his hand, he felt no longer fine.
 Maybe it was the wine that was taking its toll
The cat eyed him curiously , things were droll. 

The  figure with the clothes meagre was not on the ground
The shutterbugs had also gone after a lot of fury and sound.
 "Is it my cue?", the bearded poet suddenly made his entry
 Ignoring the malignant eye of the sentry .

"Methinks my life is a twice written scroll
Ah, there comes the lady with the parasol."
"What are you saying, you  appear riled."
"I cannot find my trench-coat,and this line is from Oscar Wilde."

He said , his eyes fixed  at the   man with the hat
who now appeared to be conversing with the morose looking cat. 
The lost one  eyed the fathomless blue of the sky
Amid many a groan and many  a sigh.

suddenly from up above poured the merry notes of a lark
Once again the shrew headed toward the lost one, oh hark.
Armed with a ladle and a malicious frown
In her grey apron, looking like a grey heron.

with clenched lips she muttered",this is no laughing matter
Do not forget that it is you I am after."
With an exultant cry, a man his javelin grounded
And with a huge grin towards the lost one bounded.

 "I am the carrier of good tidings" said the brown haired dandy.
In his right hand a piece of paper, in the other a glass of brandy.
"I stumbled across  your daughter in the jungle  she gave me this 
She looked forlorn, but she sealed  it with a kiss."

"She kissed you?" he caught him by the collar with a hiss.
"No, no it was on this  piece of paper that she planted a kiss".
The javelin boy stuttered  extricating himself from the lost one's grip
The hint of a smirk lurking on half a lip.

"You  audacious creep,that smirk I will crush."
The lost one shouted   ignoring the blue whistling thrush.
"Decide what you want to do,you indecisive fool
Go look for your daughter, yes I found her pretty cool.

You aboulomaniac, do not allow things to dither.
Make a decision fast, and do not look bitter."
At this  , the lost one doubled his fist and smote him in the jaw
with one decisive punch, into his own hand he took the law.


  1. It just gets better and better... the heat is turned way up now.. I am eager to find out what is going on now. You have pulled in so many excitiing elements. The javelin boy, the daughter sealing the letter with a kiss, the morose looking cat... All wonderful descriptions and make this even more intriguing!

  2. How strikingly the loneliness is elevated to a dearness with a javelin grounded. The circumspect raltion tfro the whole family stuck together with a kiss and a smirk. Every word opens a door in the backburner of the mind - Thanks Santosh


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